Tuesday, February 2, 2010

EventLog based Error Logging using ELMAH

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using Elmah;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace Sample.SampleSystems.Sales.Web.Helpers
/// <summary>
/// This class extends Elmah ErrorLog class to log errors to EventLog.
/// </summary>
public class EventLogErrorLog : Elmah.ErrorLog
string _eventLog = string.Empty;
string _eventSource = string.Empty;

public string EventLogName
return _eventLog;
_eventLog = value;

public string EventSourceName
return _eventSource;
_eventSource = value;

public EventLogErrorLog(string eventLog, string eventSource)
_eventLog = eventLog;
_eventSource = eventSource;

public EventLogErrorLog(System.Collections.IDictionary config)
string eventLog = Mask.NullString(config["eventLog"] as string);

if (eventLog.Length == 0)
eventLog = Mask.NullString(config["EventLog"] as string);

if (eventLog.Length == 0)
throw new Elmah.ApplicationException("EventLog is missing for the EventLog-based error log.");

string eventSource = Mask.NullString(config["eventSource"] as string);

if (eventSource.Length == 0)
eventSource = Mask.NullString(config["EventSource"] as string);

if (eventSource.Length == 0)
throw new Elmah.ApplicationException("EventLog is missing for the EventLog-based error log.");
_eventLog = eventLog;
_eventSource = eventSource;

public override string Name
get { return "iMAD EventLog Error Log"; }

public override ErrorLogEntry GetError(string id)
ErrorLogEntry logEntry = null;
if (EventLog.SourceExists(_eventSource))
// Create an EventLog instance and assign its source.
EventLog imadLog = new EventLog(_eventLog);
foreach (EventLogEntry entry in imadLog.Entries)
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(entry.Message));
while (reader.IsStartElement("error"))
string errorid = reader.GetAttribute("errorId");

if (errorid == id)
Error error = ErrorXml.Decode(reader);
logEntry = new ErrorLogEntry(this, errorid, error);


if (logEntry != null)
return logEntry;


public override int GetErrors(int pageIndex, int pageSize, System.Collections.IList errorEntryList)
if (EventLog.SourceExists(_eventSource))
// Create an EventLog instance and assign its source.
EventLog imadLog = new EventLog(_eventLog);

if (imadLog.Entries.Count > 0)
for (int counter = pageIndex; counter < pageSize; counter++)
if (counter >= imadLog.Entries.Count)
EventLogEntry entry = imadLog.Entries[counter];
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new StringReader(entry.Message));

while (reader.IsStartElement("error"))
string id = reader.GetAttribute("errorId");
Error error = ErrorXml.Decode(reader);
errorEntryList.Add(new ErrorLogEntry(this, id, error));

return errorEntryList.Count;

return default(int);

public override string Log(Error error)
string errorId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
StringWriter swritter = new StringWriter();
XmlTextWriter xwriter = new XmlTextWriter(swritter);
xwriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
xwriter.WriteAttributeString("errorId", errorId.ToString());
ErrorXml.Encode(error, xwriter);

// Make sure the Eventlog Exists
if (EventLog.SourceExists(_eventSource))
// Create an EventLog instance and assign its source.
EventLog imadLog = new EventLog(_eventLog);
imadLog.Source = _eventSource;
string messageString = swritter.ToString();
if (messageString.Length > 32765)
////Max limit of characters that EventLog allows for an event is 32766.
messageString = messageString.Substring(0, 32765);
// Write the error entry to the event log.
imadLog.WriteEntry(messageString, EventLogEntryType.Error);

return errorId;


internal sealed class Mask
public static string NullString(string s)
return s == null ? string.Empty : s;

public static string EmptyString(string s, string filler)
return Mask.NullString(s).Length == 0 ? filler : s;

private Mask() { }

1 comment:

  1. Hello Deba,

    Thank you very much for this article! It's very helpful for me!

    But I have a question: how to register, configure and use this module? Can i use this module and standard Elmah module (XmlFileErrorLog for example) together?

    Best Regards,
