Sunday, December 4, 2016

Context:Given below a grid of rules applicable for different screen in a financial application.
Objective: To come up with a design that supports the implementation of the given requirement.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Resource level locks in Sql Server
  1. Row
  2. Key
  3. Table
  4. Page
  5. Extent
  6. Partition
  7. Database
Models of locks
  1. Shared Lock(S) - Can be held by any processes
  2. Update Lock(U) - Mix of shared and exclusive lock
  3. Exclusive Lock(X) - Can be held by only one process
  4. Intent Lock(I)
    • Intent Shared(IS)
    • Shared with Intent Exclusive(SIX)
    • Intent Exclusive(IX)
  5. Bulk Update Lock(BU)
  6. Schema Lock
    • Schema Stability (Sch-S) - It is applied while generating the execution plan
    • Schema Modification (Sch-M) - It is applied while executing a DDL Statement
Transaction Isolation Levels
  1. Pessimistic
    • Read Uncommitted (NOLOCK) - No shared lock acquired
    • Read Committed (READCOMMITTED) (Default) - Shared lock acquired and released immediately
    • Repeatable Read (REPEATABLEREAD) - Lock till the end of transaction
    • Serialization (HOLDLOCK) - Lock till the end of transaction and a range of rows
  2. Optimistic
    • Snapshot
    • Snapshot Read Committed
  1. sys.dm_tran_locks view keeps track of a Lock and resource identification
  2. sys.dm_exec_sessions view provides transaction isolation level in use for the current process